


・Zhu H, Sakai T, Doi H, Yamaguchi K, Yamada A, Takatani T, Arakawa O*. Tetrodotoxin/Saxitoxin accumulation profile in the euryhaline marine pufferfish Chelonodontops patoca. Toxins, 16(1), 18, 2024.

・Cheevapruk K, Ueno M, Sungwan P, Sittithumcharee G, Kariya R, Sampattavanichi S, Okada S*. Novel midkine inhibitor induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in multiple myeloma. Anticancer Research, 44(3), 1023-1031, 2024.

・Amano M*, Amiya Noriko, Otsuka Y, Homma J, Hagio H, Takatani T, Yamamoto N, Yamaguchi K, Sakakura Y. Distribution of pufferfish saxitoxin- and tetrodotoxin-binding protein homolog and tetrodotoxin in brain and pituitary of juvenile tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Toxicon, 246, 107777.



Zhang Y, Minami R, Tatsuno R, Gao W, Ueno M, Yamada A, Yoshida A, Sedanza M, Arima K, Takatani T,  Yamaguchi K*, Oshima Y,  Arakawa O. Wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography enrichment and glyco-proteomic characterization of tetrodotoxin-binding proteins from the plasma of cultured tiger pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes). Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 87(10), 1155-1168, 2023.

・Sun XM, Yoshida A, Ishii T, Jiang YR, Gao YL, Ueno M, Hirasaka K, Osatomi K. Transcriptional regulation of the Japanese flounder Cu,Zn-SOD (Jfsod1) gene in RAW264.7 cells during oxidative stress caused by causative bacteria edwardsiellosis. Biochimie, 218, 118-126, 2024.



・Ishibashi F*, Zha S, Kondo T, Sakamoto M, Ueno M, Fukuda T. Synthesis and structure-activity relationship study of aldose reductase inhibiting marine alkaloid lukianol A and its derivatives. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 87(2), 148-157, 2022.

・Sedanza MG, Alshaweesh J, Gao YL, Yoshida A, Kim HJ, Yamaguchi K, Satuito CG*. Transcriptome dynamics of an oyster larval response to a conspecific cue-mediated settlement induction in the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Diversity, 14(7), 559, 2022.

・Sedanza MG*, Yoshida A, Kim HJ, Yamaguchi K, Osatomi K, Satuito CG. Identification and characterization of the larval settlement pheromone protein components in adult shells of Crassostrea gigas: a novel function of shell matrix proteins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(17), 9816, 2022.

Ueno M, Kariya R, Sittithumcharee G, Cheevapruk K, Okada S*. Midkine inhibitor (iMDK) induces apoptosis of primary effusion lymphoma via G2/M cell cycle arrest. Leukemia Research, 116, 106823, 2022.

・Cho K, Ueno M, Liang Y, Kim D, Oda T*. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by harmful algal bloom (HAB)-forming phytoplankton and their potential impacts on surrounding living organisms. Antioxidants, 11(2), 206, 2022.



Liang Y, Ueno M, Zha S, Okimura T, Jiang Z, Yamaguchi K, Hatakeyama T, Oda T*. Sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan prevents amyloid fibril formation of human insulin and inhibits amyloid-induced hemolysis and cytotoxicity in PC12 cells. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 85(11), 2281-2291, 2021.

Ueno M, Kariya R, Sittithumcharee G, Okada S*. Cucurbitacin B induces apoptosis of primary effusion lymphoma via disruption of cytoskeletal organization. Phytomedicine, 85, 153545, 2021.

・Zha S#, Ueno M#, Liang Y, Okada S, Oda T, Ishibashi F*. Induction of apoptotic cell death in human leukemia U937 cells by C18 hydroxy unsaturated fatty acid isolated from red alga Tricleocarpa jejuensis. Marine Drugs, 19(3), 138, 138, 2021. #equal contribution.

Liang Y, Zha S, Tentaku M, Okimura T, Jiang Z, Ueno M, Hirasaka K, Yamaguchi K, Oda T*. Suppressive effects of sulfated polysaccharide asophyllan isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum on the production of NO and ROS in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 85(4), 882-889, 2021.

・Sedanza MG, Kim HJ, Seposo X, Yoshida A, Yamaguchi K, Satuito CG*. Regulatory role of sugars on the settlement inducing activity of a conspecific cue in pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(6), 3273, 2021.



・Kim D, Li W, Matsuyama Y, Matsuo A, Yagi Y, Cho K, Yamasaki Y, Takeshita S, Yamaguchi K, Oda T*. Strain-dependent lethal effects on abalone and haemolytic activities of the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi. Aquaculture, 520, 734953, 2020.



・Okimura T, Jiang Z, Liang Y, Yamaguchi K, Oda T. Suppressive effect of ascophyllan HS on postprandial blood sugar level through the inhibition of α-glucosidase and stimulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 125, 453-458, 2019.

・Jiang Z, Yu G, Liang Y, Song T, Zhu Y, Ni H, Yamaguchi K, Oda T. Inhibitory effects of a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from edible red alga Bangia fuscopurpurea on α-amylase and α-glucosidase. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83(11), 2065-2074, 2019.

・Unno H, Itakura S, Higuchi S, Goda S, Yamaguchi K, Hatakeyama T*. Novel Ca2+-independent carbohydrate recognition of the C-type lectins, SPL-1 and SPL-2, from the bivalve Saxidomus purpuratus. Protein Science, 28(4), 766-778, 2019.

Ueno M*, Nogawa M, Siddiqui R, Watashi K, Wakita T, Kato N, Ikeda M, Okimura T, Isaka S, Oda T, Ariumi Y. Acidic polysaccharides isolated from marine algae inhibit the early step of viral infection. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 124, 282-290, 2019.



・Yoshimura T, Saitoh K, Sun L, Wang Y, Taniyama S, Yamaguchi K, Uchida T, Ohkubo T, Higashitani A, Nikawa T, Tachibana K, Hirasaka K*. Morin suppresses cachexia-induced muscle wasting by binding to ribosomal protein S10 in carcinoma cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 506(4), 773-779, 2018.

・Unno H, Nakamura A, Mori S, Goda S, Yamaguchi K, Kidemori K, Tateno H, Hatakeyama T*. Identification, characterization, and X-ray crystallographic analysis of a novel type of lectin AJLec from sea anemone Anthopleura japonica. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 11516, 2018.

Yanagido A, Ueno M, Jiang Z, Cho K, Yamaguchi K, Kim D, Oda T*. Increase in anti-inflammatory activities of radical-degraded porphyrans isolated from discolored nori (Pyropia yezoensis). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 117, 78-86, 2018.

Ueno M, Cho K, Isaka S, Nishiguchi T, Yamaguchi K, Kim D, Oda T*. Inhibitory effect of sulphated polysaccharide porphyran (isolated from Porphyra yezoensis) on RANKL-induced differentiation of RAW264.7 cells into osteoclasts. Phytotherapy Research, 32(3), 452-458, 2018.

・Siddiqui R, Suzu S, Ueno M, Nasser H, Koba R, Bhuyan F, Noyori O, Hamidi S, Sheng G, Yasuda-Inoue M, Hishiki T, Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Strebel K, Matsushita S, Shimotohno K, Ariumi Y*. Apolipoprotein E is an HIV-1inducible inhibitor of viral production and infectivity in macrophages. PLoS Pathogens, 14(11), 2018.

・Kawano K, Doucet, AJ, Ueno M, Kariya R, Am W, Marzetta F, Kuroki M, Turelli P, Sukegawa S, Okada S, Strebel K, Trono D, Ariumi Y*. HIV-1 Vpr and p21 restrict LINE-1 mobility. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(16), 8454-8470, 2018.